Product description and pricing

Home / Product description and pricing

Product Description

The COMPANY makes every effort to ensure that the products’ description is as accurate and detailed as possible. If you require any further information about a product, please contact the Company.


Product Pricing

Listed prices of all products sold on the present website are retail prices including VAT. The final cost of each order is formed by adding packaging costs (if any). Shipping costs are borne by the customer.

Listed prices have been formed by the companies – producers that are hosted on the present market place.

Producers reserve the right to modify the prices of their products and the COMPANY the products’ management and shipping costs.

The COMPANY and the producers – hosted companies allow the users of the website to choose the type of document to be issued (retail receipt or invoice), by filling in the corresponding field. The transaction is considered to be completed only after receiving a written electronic confirmation by the COMPANY.

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